Thursday, December 22, 2022


Amidst all the hustle and bustle, the Christmas season is finally upon us. Thanks for stopping by and taking a look at my version of a cottage style Christmas.

Too cold outside for my favorite bunny.

 Looking outside the front window of the dining room.

 Entering the dinning room through the kitchen.

Johnson Brothers Christmas pattern.
Used red and green napkins. The poppers were filled with Harry London Chocolates.

Miniature cheesecakes. YUM!
Try this cheese, you will not be sorry.

 All the girls will take home their own canister pig.  I'll use mine for tea bags.

Full view of the dinning room.

Full view from the other side of the dinning room.

I will use this lantern in the garden too.
(Oh I do miss my garden. . .)

The chandelier!

The tree takes center stage in the dining room this year. My entire family will gather here for Christmas dinner.

 These are my kid's baby shoes -- a tradition on our tree.

Garden gnome in the guise of Santa. Anything that reminds me of my garden is a good thing.

From Bronner's Christmas store in Frankenmuth, Michigan. They have every kind of ornament imaginable.

 Our tree is whimsical with ornaments we've gathered over the years.

Christmas Tree at night.

Santa Cookie Jar.

Christmas touches all through the dinning room.

From my son's Nutcracker collection.

Burl Ives said it best: Have a holly jolly Christmas!

  This chair is a favorite of mine.

 A charmingly distressed table holds my second, and larger, blackboard. I've quoted Luke 2:11. Its the first thing my guests we'll see upon their arrival.

Welcome to the living room.

Looking the other direction.

Looking out the front window.

When choosing the size of wreath I didn't want it to get lost above the fireplace.
This wreath is 36" round and loaded with red bulbs. As if this wasn't enough, I added a plaid bow too.

These poppers are homemade and filled with Harry London
Chocolates; they have everyone's name on them and will be used in place of name cards for seating. The Christmas tea set is one that I have had for many years --
and of course my favorite silver tray.

All grown up my daughter still loves her Ruddie.

Tweet Sweet!

This blue rustic hutch is in my kitchen.

More Christmas in my large cabinet made for me by 
my Dad.

Last but not least the Feather Tree. It decorates my
kitchen and its decked out with multicolored lights.

I used gold curling ribbon and silver tinsel with yellow, white,
and red colored ornaments.

My family will gather at our home for Christmas this year and there will be 16 of us.  My dining room will be full. From now till Christmas day, I will be shopping, wrapping, and cooking. Mostly, though, I'm looking forward to having some fun times with all those I love so dearly. It's always nice to have everyone around.

Thank you for all your comments -- I really love hearing from all of you. 
Merry Christmas and we'll chat soon! --Cathy

Friday, July 8, 2022

Fall Outdoor Picnic

Fall is a wonderful time for a garden party, though much of the foliage is dying back the air is so crisp and there are no bugs.  Enjoying a glass of wine in the evening amidst the lights above the pergola...perfect!  The photos will begin with an afternoon I shared with my friends sipping hot spiced cider, donuts and enjoying each others company.  I hope you enjoy the photos.

 I love this chandelier and decorated it is so charming. 

 I found this green table on my travels in Gaylord Michigan and painted some chairs to match. For
extra seating I added a couple of hay bails and covered them with wool throws.

 It never gets old hay bails,pumpkins and mums.
 giant rabbit in the center.

This is my favorite color mum- at least for now.

 Looking through the roses.

Shes keeping an eye on things...

Colored bottles with mums

Red Wagon with mums and Ivy

A treasured garden sculpture that never eats my flowers.

Under the lights

Through the roses at dusk

Friday, May 6, 2022

The Fourth of July

I'm an outdoor kind of girl. I think I could literally spend 20 out of every 24 hours outside and totally love it. So of course I love this holiday--it makes me feel like such a kid and each year I get even more excited for the fireworks, BBQs, Flying Flags, and backyard parties!    

Enjoy the photos 

 The front door welcomes all.

Up close to the bunny. He has his bow tie on.

Table set-up for dinner.

A close-up of my patriotic chandelier.

The plates were checked red and white with the spode butter cup
 salad plate on top. Everyone received a patriotic pail as a favor with goodies. It also included their napkins and silverware.

I used canning jars for drinking glasses with an old fashioned paper straw in each. Also in front of each guest was a popcorn box and red, white, and blue jordan almonds.

There is always someone who wants salt and pepper. Found these at
 T.J.MAXX and loved them.

Hydrangea centerpiece with some sparkle.

My wrought iron accent table has become the sparkler station. What's the fourth without a little sparkle?

Even though I will have beer, wine, and lemonade there is always someone who just wants a refreshing glass of water. My potters bench works nicely for that.

A close-up look of lemon and lime water container.
So refreshing.

The candle inside is on a timer and is outdoor safe. So every night the lantern turns on for five hours. I love the timer.

My wrought iron plant stand with light up gazing globe in green. The globe is also on a timer. It's so pretty when dark, but just as nice during the day too.

Angel bird feeder in wrought iron planter.

Love birds.

Lavender wrought iron bench.

A new member of the garden this year. I hope he keeps all the deer away.

Lavender pots with green ducks. I love green and lavender together.

My herb planter. The parsley was used in the appetizer.

In Ireland they say the purple shamrock clover brings good luck. I bought the flower pick at the local street fair in town.

Large lavender bench with ivy topiary on table.

My red hen with purple fountain grass.

My squirrel amongst the balloon flowers. 

Lavender has become one of my very favorite plants.

Looking through the seven sister roses.

Looking through the gated garden.

Entering gated garden. Echinacea, or better known as the cone flower, is not bloomed out yet. Soon it will look like someone sprayed my garden pink.

 Looking into pergola garden.

Gated garden path leading to arbor.

Close-up to roses.

Bee balm in gated garden.

Cherub amongst the hydrangeas.

The hydrangeas down the driveway.

Welcome to the boathouse. We are lucky enough to have fireworks right off the dock. 

 Planter boxes with pink and purple petunias at the boathouse.

I love the ivy growing on the tree up the drive way.

I have the fire pit stocked with wood so after the fireworks we can enjoy a fire. 

I will be serving pepper jack cheese and parsley stuffed french bread appetizers. The main course will be barbequed chicken, sweet potato fries, corn on the cob, and cole slaw. We will have beer, wine, and lemonade to drink. For dessert we will have custard ice cream in waffle cones--with red,white, and blue sprinkles of course.
 I hope you enjoyed the photos. Have a Safe and Happy Fourth of July.

We'll chat soon--Cathy