Monday, August 31, 2020


     We're savoring the picnics these days, squeezing in as many as we can before the weather shifts. There's time left, though, for a few more fall picnics under the pergola.  Eating and laughing, we'll linger, watching the sun go down. Such a good way to end a fall day.

It always seems to start with the chandelier for me. Mixing garland, leaves,
berries, crystals, and gourds. The final touch being the owl in the center.

Alfred, my scarecrow, has taken center stage again this fall.

Table set for my husband and I.

Close up of plates and napkins.

Fresh bread, assorted lunch meat, cheese, lettuce, and tomato. YUM!

I sliced the sandwiches and wrapped them in parchment paper. Along with the sandwiches there were
pickled beans and corn relish that I had picked up from the a local farm market. So incredibly 

We started with some cheddar and port wine cheese spreads on crackers. I found the flower polka- dotted cheese spreaders at English Garden Nurseries this past summer. They're so adorable. The wine was Cabernet Sauvignon; it was perfect with the cheese and crackers. 

 Whats a picnic without a cake?  A chocolate layer cake with almond buttercream 

We enjoyed our first slice after our picnic. Then we enjoyed our second when we came in for the 

 What would fall be without hay bails, cornstalks, pumpkins, and of course mums?  This year I've added some new additions to my fall decorating outside. I really am enjoying the ornamental kale plants and the ice pansies.

Up close to Alfred-- he has a friend on his shoulder.

I love this wheel barrow that I painted and distressed. The yellow mums are my favorite this year.

 This cat is so cute and weather resistant so he can stay outside.

The ice pansies will be placed in the surrounding garden soon. The reason they
are called ice pansies is they will last until it snows. Then in the spring many times 
they are the first flower to bloom. Sometimes they even blooming through the snow.
The green planter has creeping thyme and small white pumpkins inside. 
In the ground planters more ice pansies and ornamental kale.

Up close to the green planter.

This is a pocket grapevine wreath. Pocket wreaths can be used for small potted plants,
 fresh arrangements or greenery if you use a liner. I filled my wreath with berries, 
gourds, leaves, and a scarecrow pick.

Full view looking back into the yard.

Up close to my furry friend who has flown into my chandelier.

Spooky Jack is inside the house this year waiting for Halloween.

The fall feather tree is in the dining room also.

My daughter had her birthday recently, so of course I had to decorate my

Her birthday cupcakes were scrumptious!

Looking out at the front yard from the dining room.

Thank you so much for stopping by and taking a look. I know its been some time since I've last posted.My son and daughter both moved into new homes this summer. I enjoyed helping them put their places together very much, but it left no time for me to post. I'm looking forward to the up coming  holidays,
--I have so many ideas......

We'll chat soon, Cathy 

Saturday, July 11, 2020


 My tea cup chandelier has taken its rightful place center stage in the pergola garden, and it's time to party. The Mad Hatter theme was something I'd been planning for since early January.  I hope you enjoy the photos.

Homemade invitations were sent to all the guests.

Guests did not have to jump down a rabbit hole--they were greeted with a quote from the Mad Hatter (or rather, Lewis Carrol) himself.

These hats were purchased online at Oriental Trader. I bought some organza ribbon in different shades of purple and then attached a glittery butterfly pin to each top hat. Very inexpensive, but really added a lot of fun. I've decided after seeing everyone in their hats, that everyone looks better in a top hat!

Loaded with clear and deep-purple crystals, the tea cup chandelier is SWEET!

Up-close view of the tea cup on chandelier. All the tea cups are various Royal Albert bone china patterns.

View of the table looking into the back yard. The glass jar holds butterfly almond sugar cookies coated with purple and pink sanded sugar. Everyone's hat was waiting for them on the back of their chairs.

The place setting consists of lilac colored chargers with a fleur-de-lis pattern. The dinner plate is the Ascot collection in Royal Winton's summertime pattern, followed by the Rose Cameo Peach salad plate from Royal Albert. The favor is a decorative tea cup, with lavender vanilla tea and shortbread cookies. Perfection is achieved by adding the crisp white linen napkin that was a gift  from a fellow vintage-lover, Gayle.  I love the butterfly pattern--they are so sweet and just make the place setting so special.

 Purple and pink polka-dotted cupcake holders were so sweet. Not to mention the almond butter-cream frosting and sugared butterflies.

  These cupcakes were amazing! My daughter wanted to post a picture of me eating my third, but I thought I'd spare you all that.

I chose the violet-colored impatients this year. These are planted in a tea-cup planter that's been completely overwhelmed by the flowers. You can't even sea the tea-cup anymore!

 This is my potter's bench, over which hangs my candle chandelier. I always love to have my octagonal green glass drink dispenser filled with iced lemon water.

 My sister and I bought these pots years ago and we both still love them. I brushed the leaves of mine with green paint. The boy and girl was something I bought years ago when I was first married, and now it reminds me of my son and daughter. . . and, hopefully, one day my grandchildren.

Peeking out from a profusion of violet impatients, she watches over me and my garden.

These plants are called blue heaven, and that's exactly what they are. My friend Jennifer gave me a clipping and I've started these from that. I keep them outside on my stair planter... as you can see, the bunny just wants a whiff.

I purchased this bunny, who was made in Haiti, from At West End. Of course, he wasn't purple when I bought him . . . that was my doing!

Deep purple wave petunias, violet impatients, and white bacopa in my wrought-iron planters.

I love the sound of trickling water in the background from the fountain.

Frog pick peeks out from amidst the endless summer hydrangeas. Adorable.

My frog prince, nestled amongst the balloon flowers.

I found this bunny at the Pottery in Georgia while visiting my brother. I just love him.

While shopping at Frank's Nursery, my daughter fell in love with this turtle and named him Speedy. He's been a regular inhabitant of our garden since she was three.

Welcome to the gated garden . . .

My favorite bunny sits in the middle of the gated garden in a large bird-bath, overlooking the festivities with his top-hat on.

Doesn't everyone have a purple, polka-dotted chicken?

This was a mother's day present from my son. Both the toads and I are enjoying it.

While we don't have the mad hatter's white rabbit, we do have weathered copper one.

Amidst the lavender, she feeds the birds. 

Thanks for stopping by and joining me for my Mad Hatter's Iced Tea and Dessert Party.
Enjoy your summer gardens and we'll chat soon!